Posts in Series English
God's Big Picture

The Kingdom of God is the unifying theme of all of Scripture. We’re meant to be one of God’s people, living in God’s place, under God’s rule. In this preaching series, we seek to help listeners understand the “big picture” of the Bible and submit their lives to King Jesus.

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The major theme of Habakkuk is trying to grow from a faith of perplexity and doubt to the height of absolute trust in God. Habakkuk addresses his concerns over the fact that God will use the Babylonian empire to execute judgment on Judah for their sins.

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Peter sees the death and resurrection of Jesus as a model for believers. As Jesus suffered and entered into glory, so his followers will suffer for his sake. This is a gracious thing and to be counted as a privilege.

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Series EnglishDave Green

Advent is the arrival of someone important and the unfolding of the gospel. When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Only Son, and his name was to be ‘Immanuel’ — meaning God is with us.

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Series EnglishDave Green

Marriage is the gospel on display. As husbands and wives grow to love one another unconditionally, so their marriage mirrors God's unconditional love for mankind.

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Series EnglishDave Green
God's Will

Can God guide us in our personal decisions? How can we move forward with confidence when there’s no obvious answer in scripture? It is through the trusting and obeying, the discerning and learning, that God makes us wise.

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Our Distinctives

People talk about what they are looking for in a church, but the main focus should always be on what God is looking for. Whilst these distinctives provide a window into the heart of our church’s culture, they also reflect what we believe God declares to be important in His Word.

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Series EnglishDave Green
Kingdom Centred Prayer

People are used to thinking about prayer as a means to get their personal needs met. However, we should understand prayer as a means to praise and adore God, to know him, to come into his presence and be changed by him.

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Series EnglishDave Green